Holistic Health Coaching With Xian




Personalized Holistic Health Coaching is designed for people who want to develop and maintain a deep and long lasting healthy lifestyle. It’s for people that desire to optimize their health but could use expert guidance, accountability and motivation. Xian Porter enables you to feel empowered in your body, mind, spirit and space. Her services are individualized, holistic, and unique from other programs or services because they are completely tailored to your individual needs. Xian helps you navigate your health and optimize your lifestyle so it supports your overall well-being and goals are achieved. Together, you will create a sustainable plan that guides you to your wellness goals and sets you up for long-term success.



-       Autoimmune disorders

-       Chronic inflammation

-       Skin problems

-       Gut discomfort/ imbalances like poor digestion, bloating & constipation

-       Brain fog

-       Overwhelm by diet culture

-       Acne and other skin problems

-       Inability to lose weight

-       Lack of motivation, exhaustion, lethargy



Holistic Health Coaching tackles all areas of your life. In order to make productive changes, root causes are examined, from emotional to physical to spiritual to environmental and a highly effective, personalized plan is put into place for success. Xian is guiding, motivating and transforming you along the way. Within each pillar of Mind, Body, Spirit and Space, Xian use various healing practices that address the root cause of your health issues. Nutrition, exercise, lifestyle choices, mental performance, spiritual blockages and home environment are addressed using highly effective techniques.  This approach harmonizes all dimensions of your health and improves your overall well-being. 



-       First, you will complete a survey, which goes over your health history, lifestyle and wellness habits and share your desired goals. Then we will meet once a week for an hour – either in person or virtually. Together we will create effective lifestyle shifts that align with your overall health vision. In our meetings, we will explore any roadblocks you experience. Then we will get to the root of why they are holding you back. With that information, we will dismantle the old beliefs surrounding your health and replace them with new ones that support lasting results. Depending upon the options you choose, in addition to the coaching session, a Reiki session may be added to release blockages, a one-on-one yoga session for stretching and motivation, and an analysis of your floor plan.


-       Want to be healthy but feel lost and overwhelmed by food and diet culture.

-       Know you need to change but feel unable to make that transformation.

-       Want to break your cravings for sugar, and highly processed foods.

-       Want to transform into the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.

-       Are ready to prioritize every dimension of your health and wellness and feel great in your mind, body, and spirit. 


  1. One Holistic Health Coaching Session $150 Includes: 1 coaching session, weekly email follow up for one month.  
  2. Single Coaching Package $220 Includes: 1 health coaching session + 1 reiki session + yoga session. Email follow up for one month.
  3. One Month Program $700 Includes: 4 coaching sessions + 1 reiki session + 1 Feng Shui consultation. E-mail follow up for one month.
  4. Three Month Program $1,700 Includes: 12 coaching sessions + 3 reiki sessions + 1 Feng shui consultation. E-mail follow up for three months.
  5. Six Month Program $3,200 Includes: 24 coaching sessions + 6 reiki          sessions + 1 Feng Shui consultation. Email follow up for six months. 



Xian’s health transformation started when she was in college. She suffered from chronic stomach aches and bloating with each meal. She had acne, chronic sinus and tonsil infections, and an ever-present low mood. After realizing all of these symptoms were connected and her body was reflecting the imbalances she had within, she began researching, educating herself, and underwent certification programs for Integrative Nutrition, Reiki, Yoga and Holistic Feng Shui. She is also the Managing Director of The Holistic Home Company.


Her Mission is to teach individuals to be self-sufficient, feel empowered in their well-being and take preventive action for their health. Xian inspires confidence and authenticity in the mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of your life through holistic and sustainable practices.


Each Session is non-fundable.

These sessions are not meant to diagnose, cure or treat medical issues. Any information Xian Porter shares is for educational purposes and does not substitute for medical advice. By purchasing these sessions, you agree and acknowledge that Xian Porter is not providing medical advice. Always seek the advice of your own medical provider and or mental health provider regarding any questions or concerns about your specific health.